Thursday, June 15, 2006


Tammy Faye has finished and, for the first time ever, I am experiencing PSD (Post-Show Depression). We had a great cast and I couldn’t spend enough time with the members. At the end of the run, I spent Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings hanging out with various people from the show. We closed on Saturday and it is over. Now, I have all the time in the world to garden and pet my cats, but all I do is mope. I audition for Sweet Charity in July, but I don’t believe rehearsals will even start until August. Nothing to do until then but look at pictures from Tammy Faye and try to shake off this melancholy.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

We Were Panned

Part of the reason for the recent lack of entries has been my all-consuming involvement in The Gospel According to Tammy Faye. We opened last Saturday and life is finally calming down a little.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reviewed us on Saturday. Not quite the glowing review my last show had. My Jessica Hahn costume was described as something "a hooker working at Wal-Mart" would wear. I have to pout a little because it's my own dress and I used to wear it out dancing when I lived in Phoenix. Guess I looked like a whore back then.

From an actor's point of view, I think our opening went really well and it seemed well received by the audience. You can buy tickets here.