Thursday, January 19, 2006

Like, You've Got Toothpaste Spooge Around Your Mouth

I don’t make regular New Year’s resolutions. The only one I recall making is also the only one I ever kept: to wash my delicates in a lingerie bag instead of subjecting them, unprotected, to the perils of the agitator and zippers. It’s a bit trivial of a resolution, but I can say that my underwear last much longer than they used to.

This year, I carefully considered resolutions for 2006. It took me the first 19 days of the year, but I’ve got four that I think I can live with:

1. Be more free with compliments. I tend to stare at someone’s new haircut/cute scarf/lovely brooch with silent envy. Instead, I will say something nice (and possibly find out where I can find one for myself!)

2. Tell people when they have something caught in their teeth/a booger hanging out of their nose/an open fly/etc. Again, I tend to stare instead of verbalize. This time, though, it isn’t jealousy. Instead, I stare at the offending item or condition until I am hypnotized beyond speech. I silently wonder how they could have left the house with their shirt buttoned all cock-eyed and stop paying any attention to the conversation. This year, I am going to jerk my eyes away, snap back to reality, and tell the person!

3. Make the bed on the weekends. I give up on the weekdays because there is a man in beneath the covers when I leave for work.

4. Eliminate “like” from my vocabulary, other than its use in a simile. I currently use it as a substitute for “said” (as in: “he was like ‘What are you staring at?’ and I was like ‘The toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe.’”) and as a valley-girl style filler word.

What are your (belated or not) resolutions for the New Year?


At 8:26 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Great resolutions! But I still would be too shy or embarrassed to tell someone they have something hanging from their nose! I just wouldn't know how to do it! Even when it's my own sister I am too embarrassed to say anything to her! lol... My resolution was to eat less chocolate and eat more fruits and vegetables. I've been fulfilling the first part well, but not the second part!


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